Star Wars: Legion

Star Wars: Legion

Star Wars: Legion “Vor lan­ger Zeit, in einer Gala­xie, weit, weit ent­fernt: Es herrscht Bür­ger­krieg. Raum­schif­fe der Rebel­len, die von gehei­men Basen aus ope­rie­ren, haben ihren ers­ten Sieg gegen das böse galak­ti­sche Impe­ri­um errun­gen. Wäh­rend der...
Dystopian Wars

Dystopian Wars

Dys­to­pian Wars Dys­to­pian Wars is a table­top war­game of naval batt­les using high­ly detail­ed minia­tures to repre­sent huge engi­nes of des­truc­tion on, abo­ve and below the high-seas. Set in an alter­na­te late-Nine­te­enth Cen­tu­ry cal­led the...
02 Hundred Hours

02 Hundred Hours

02 Hundred Hours 02 Hundred Hours is a skir­mish war­game focu­sing on night-time raids in World War II. Inspi­red by clas­sic war movies as well as his­to­ri­cal events, batt­les are fast paced with rough­ly 10–20 models on eit­her side. Field an...


Bel­lo­Lu­di Bel­lo­Lu­di is coming back to Bruns­wick and they have a few new ver­si­ons of their rules with them. They will bring the batt­le for Oos­ter­beck 1944 for their WW2 skir­mish game and you can also have a tas­te of the Bel­lo­Lu­di Big Batt­le...
The Doomed

The Doomed

The Doo­med Apo­ca­lyp­tic Hor­ror Hunting “We’­re a for­got­ten World. The Com­pa­ny came with their ships and guns, then aban­do­ned us. Only the Doo­med and the hor­rors remain.”  Der Frie­sen­ham­mer Club aus Ost­fries­land prä­sen­tiert einen Grim­dark-...