
BelloLudi’s assault on Ger­ma­ny con­ti­nues. Whe­re­as in 2022 with­nes­sed the intro­duc­tion on Mel­Bel­Con, this year the Bel­lo­Lu­di Cara­van will stop at REDLION Games Con­ven­ti­on in the heart of Brunswick.

We will bring the Medieval skir­mish game known as Bel­lo­Lu­di Cross­bows and you are invi­ted to try them! You can also have a tas­te of the Bel­lo­Lu­di Big Batt­le sys­tem in a Napo­leo­nic set­ting. The Ger­man lan­guage Bel­lo­Lu­di Zwei­ter Welt­krieg game will also be hos­ted. Come along and roll a dice or two. Of cour­se we will be brin­ging all our publi­ca­ti­ons so far and per­haps some novel­ties as well.

Demo­spie­le für Bel­lo­Lu­di Cross­bows and World War II Skir­mish Game and Bel­lo­Lu­di Big Batt­le Game mit Peter A. van Dop.

  • Sams­tag, 25. März 2023, 10.00 — 19.00 Uhr
  • Sonn­tag, 26. März 2023, 9.00 — 16.00 Uhr

Kin­der- und Jugend­zen­trum Mühle

An der Neu­stadt­müh­le 3

38100 Braun­schweig

Wei­te­re Infor­ma­tio­nen zum Spiel fin­det Ihr unter Bel­lo­Lu­di.